Books for Charity!

4 March 2021

We are thrilled to announce that Windermere students are involved in two books to be sold in aid of good causes.


Serena C (Year 10) has had her first collection of poetry published, which is an extraordinary achievement. Serena’s debut, ‘Gen Z – short thoughts’, contains 23 short poems aimed at Generation Z and reflects on lockdown, mental illnesses, and what we can do to change the world.


Serena explains, “I wrote the anthology in lockdown as, at the time, Alder Hey Children’s Hospital had just come out with their 7 in 10 campaign (a mental health campaign providing funding for their mental health unit). The statistics were that 7 in 10 children with mental illnesses don’t get the help they need. So far, they’ve already raised 3 million, but I felt like I should do something to help. All proceeds from the sale of the anthology go to Alder Hey.”


Gen Z – short thoughts’ will be available on Amazon very soon or copies can be purchased directly from Fellside Publishing


Fight – by Serena C


What do you perceive as fight?

The clashing of knuckles in the night?


Is it something much deeper?

Does it come from being a believer?


Does it come from the resilience?

That you get with experience,


Is it the strength to stand up for what you believe?

Despite fear of reprieve,


Fight comes in many forms,

It never conforms


Into categorisation,

It’s a form of determination,


We all have some kind of fight,

We just need the type that’s right,


Then we can all unite,

For our own rights.


A Year 8 English class is also in the process of compiling a book for charity: each member of the class has contributed to ‘Hopes, Dreams and Aspirations’, a varied collection of short stories and writing from life. The class were motivated to write after studying ‘Welcome to Nowhere’ by Elizabeth Laird, which tells the story of a Syrian family who have to flee as refugees to Jordan. Proceeds from sales will go to the Mandala Trust, which supports the Hope School near Amman through the volunteer organisation Helping Refugees in Jordan (


Further details on how to order your copy will be available soon – watch this space!