Windermere School values talent and ability in all disciplines in the curriculum. We therefore offer a 75% Cumbria Award for entry into Year 7, 10 and 12 as well as a variety of other scholarships up to pupils starting in various other year groups in areas such as the Arts, Sport, Adventure and Sailing.


The Cumbria Award

The Cumbria Award programme ensures that talented pupils are able to access education at Windemere School, regardless of their family’s financial circumstances. The school, which recently gained a place amongst the UK’s Top 150 Schools in the Sunday Times Parent Power survey, offers awards which can provide up to 75 per cent remission on day and boarding fees for successful candidates.

The school are proud of the diverse nature of the pupil community and Windemere currently welcomes children from all areas of Cumbria to the Senior School. Over 25 pupils have previously benefited from life-changing awards and the scheme is available to children entering Year 7, Year 10 and Year 12. Previous recipients have joined the school from towns including Barrow in Furness, Whitehaven, Lindal in Furness, Kirkby Stephen, Holmbrook, Millom, Keswick, Carlisle and Eskdale Green.

Windemere School ensures that academic ability is not the only criteria that candidates are assessed against. Pupils have many talents and highly-qualified staff will be seeking out young people who can make the most of a wide range of curricular and extra-curricular activities.

Head of Windermere School, Mr Frank Thompson said, “The Cumbria Award programme enables the school to share our unique education with capable youngsters from across the region for whom the chance to attend an independent school would otherwise be out of reach. From their first day, children are nurtured and have access to a range of high-quality learning experiences. When pupils leave at the end of Sixth Form, we aim for them to be confident, compassionate and responsible young people with a love for learning who are ready to embrace every opportunity that the future will present.”

The Application Process 

All candidates should submit:

  • A completed Registration Form, making note that is this part of a scholarship application
  • A copy of their latest school report
  • A reference from their current Headteacher
  • A letter sharing how they can contribute to the school
  • A portfolio (where applicable) to support their Scholarship application
  • A £50 non-refundable registration fee. Please contact to request the school’s bank details.

Additionally, international candidates will need to complete an online CAT 4 test, followed by an initial online interview with the Head. UK candidates will be interviewed on the designated assessment day.

Tenure of Scholarships 

All scholarships are valid until the end of Year 11 (except Sixth Form scholarships, which are valid until the end of Year 13) and reviewed on the basis of a pupil’s progress, commitment and behaviour. All scholars are expected to set an example to others in all that they do. The school reserves the right to remove a scholarship if a pupil falls below the standard expected, in any aspect of their school life. Where the level of performance or behaviour falls below that expected, the School will give one term’s written notice of its intention to remove a scholarship.


Use our admissions portal to make your enquiry. This will provide us with all the information we need at this stage and a member of the admissions team will be in touch with you shortly.

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