Kids have Children in Need-themed fun to raise money for most vulnerable

19 November 2020

Pupils at Windermere School were among those to celebrate Children in Need on Friday – with children swapping their uniforms for pyjamas to raise money for charity.


All children at the junior school were invited to take part in the non-uniform day and make a £1 donation to the BBC’s charity, which supports the UK’s most-vulnerable children, in the process.


The clothing switch was the brainchild of Year 6 pupils, who approached Julie King, head of the school’s Elleray campus, to ask for permission to hold a socially-distanced fundraiser.


Mrs King said: “Children in Need is important every year but doubly so this year.


“I am so incredibly proud of how the Year 6 pupils rose to the challenge, they have shown real creativity at a time of national need.


“They have worked together to create activities which appeal across the age range of pupils at Elleray.


“We are delighted that they have raised over £200 to support this much-loved national charity.”