Year 3 – Adventure Logbooks

26 November 2020

We are immensely proud of how our Year 3 class have embraced the Adventure programme this year.


They are just starting on the Windermere School Adventure logbook journey with the Level One Amy Johnson Award. This journey runs all the way through their time at Windermere School with six levels, all named after famous explorers and adventurers. After Adventure earlier this term, we made use of the darker evening to start looking at the different sections. We are very pleased as everyone in Year 3 has completed the level one sailing section. They started back in September paddling and steering their sailing boats and have progressed over the term to sailing downwind. They can name all the parts of a boat and can help rig and de-rig their boats.


This term we are concentrating on the Mountain and Survival sections and Year 3 have already ticked off parts of the Mountain section after the lesson earlier this week.