Year 6 Challenge Week: An Unforgettable Adventure

14 June 2024

This week, Year 6 have embarked on their Challenge Week with an enthusiastic spirit and a sense of adventure, setting off for North Wales with high hopes and packed bags. The week was filled with thrilling activities, new experiences and the forging of lifelong memories.

Monday: Arrival and Kayaking Adventures

The journey began with a splash as Year 6 arrived in North Wales and immediately took to the water on sit-on-top kayaks. Despite the windy conditions that made paddling a bit tougher, our Year 6 pupils tackled the challenge with ease, showcasing their strength and teamwork from the get-go.

Tuesday: Coasteering and Beach Clean-Up

Tuesday took our adventurers to the stunning island of Anglesey, where they donned wetsuits for an exhilarating coasteering experience. Jumping into the waves and navigating rocky shores, they displayed impressive courage and enthusiasm. Following their aquatic adventures, they demonstrated their commitment to the environment by participating in a beach clean-up, leaving the coastline in better shape than they found it. An early night was called for, as everyone prepared for the next day’s big challenge.

Wednesday: Conquering Snowdon

The highlight of the week came on Wednesday with the ascent of Snowdon. Armed with plenty of snacks and buoyed by some welcome sunshine, Year 6 showed remarkable resilience as they climbed to the summit. The breath taking views and sense of achievement were the perfect rewards for their hard work. After descending, they were treated to a well-deserved ice cream and a hearty meal of fish and chips, making the day even more memorable.

Thursday: Indoor Climbing on a Rainy Day

Thursday brought heavy rain, but it didn’t dampen the spirits of Year 6. They enjoyed a much-needed lie-in before heading to an indoor climbing wall. Scaling walls and challenging themselves in new ways, they continued to exhibit their bravery and determination.

Friday: Slate Museum and Homeward Bound

On the final day, Year 6 have packed up their gear and visited the Slate Museum. Here, they learned about the rich industrial history of North Wales before setting off on their way back to Windermere. The journey home has been filled with chatter about the week’s highlights and the incredible experiences shared.

Throughout the week, Year 6 pupils were outstanding! They demonstrated bravery, compassion for one another, resilience in the face of challenges and the courage to try new things. Each child stepped out of their comfort zone and, in doing so, created memories that will last a lifetime. We couldn’t have asked for better company on this unforgettable adventure. Well done Year 6!










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Windermere School is an Independent Boarding and Day School for ages 3-18, across Junior School, Senior School and Sixth Form. The school offers holiday courses and a summer school programme, as well as short term immersion courses for international pupils, as well as an award winning IB programme. Join the adventure today >