Behind the Scenes at Mary Poppins – Week 1

14 September 2022

Rehearsals got underway this week with a read and sing-through of the show. Everyone has been given their scripts and rehearsal schedules and it was amazing to see so many students take part. I spoke to the cast and backstage team on their thoughts about why they have decided to take part in the production:


Millie B: “I think being in the show will help pursue my dreams when and I am older and teach me new skills.”

Merry L:  “This is my second show at Windermere School and I think taking part helps with confidence, especially public speaking.” 

Millie WN: “I did the play last year and I decided this year to expand my knowledge and support the production by being part of the backstage team.”

Poppy B: “I want to be part of the production as I didn’t do it last year, but I saw how wonderful it was so I have decided to join and support the show backstage.”


As you can see the cast are excited and raring to go.

We can’t wait for you to see our show!

by Mayumi S (Stage Manager, Year 12 )