Careers and Life Beyond School

29 September 2022

It does seem a little strange to be talking about life after school when the term and year have just begun, but at Windermere we realise that for students to fulfil their potential and embrace the world when they leave us, they need to be fully aware and prepared for the options out there. As well as the Life Skills and Careers Programme running through the curriculum, we direct students and parents/guardians to look at the additional opportunities available.

Our aim is to guide students so they can make their own informed decisions about their futures.

‘Your future, Your Decisions, Your Responsibility’

Listed below are the vast range of opportunities for students to explore. The most successful students in school and beyond are often those who explore a range of potential career pathways through work experience (in person and virtually), and investigate every opportunity, even those that at first glance do not appeal them:

– Mrs Theresa Murray, Careers and Pathways Coordinator