ESU Churchill Public Speaking Competition

12 February 2021

Report by Oscar J


Following a brief introduction to the host and Judges the competition began. Ours was the fourth speech to be viewed and after a strong introduction to our speech from an external student, our speaker, Mayumi S began on our chosen topic: “Policing in this country needs to change.” We chose this topic because we believe that it is incredibly pertinent at the moment, particularly with the Black Lives Matter protests which have swept the globe following the death of George Floyd. Mayumi began with a strong introduction that outlined her points and proceeded to make several balanced yet passionate arguments offering solutions to issues, interspersed with effective case studies. She ended with a well constructed conclusion which effectively summarised her inspiring and thought-provoking speech. This was followed by a tough round of questioning from another external student under which she performed well, remaining calm and unflummoxed throughout.


Our team Chairperson, Tom J then provided a courteous and informed introduction to the speech delivered by another school, which he, along with our questioner Milly M would be examining on the topic of: “We should not sell arms to countries with a poor human rights record.” Following the speech Milly questioned the speaker, during which her subject knowledge became obvious due to her strong questions, providing many insights into the topic. Tom then rounded up our part in the competition with a well-composed conclusion.


After the judge’s deliberations were complete we were informed that our team, along with two teams from Altringham Grammar School would be progressing to the next round. We were given feedback which gave us accurate knowledge of which areas we had to improve on and which areas we only needed to keep up our good work. Overall, it was a great experience and I know I speak for all of us when I say that we cannot wait for the next round!