From Student to Troutbeck’s Youngest Mayor: Hector Westmoreland Nicholson’s Success

21 May 2024

Hector George Westmoreland Nicholson, a Year 13 student at Windermere School, has been elected as the youngest mayor for the oldest mayoral role in England, Troutbeck.

Hector is also a well-deserving winner of the school’s Long Service Award, having started his journey at the Junior School on 1 September 2008, aged 2 years and 9 months. During his 17 years with us, he has left not a trail of destruction but rather a trail of heart-warming stories. We strongly believe that Troutbeck could not be in a safer or more dedicated pair of hands.

Hector has loved the outdoors from day one and would rather be out in the fields than sitting in the classroom. In fact, his Junior School teachers remember his dislike of reading from a young age, and the only way they could entice him was by reading Farmer’s Weekly rather than scheme reading books! Hector moved into the Senior School with the same energy, and his PE teachers both agree that ‘he is a real inspiration’ and use him as the benchmark for everything a young man should be.

Hector has personal attributes and skills beyond his years. He puts other people first and has genuine warmth for his fellow students. Yes, it is fair to say he is direct and to the point – but he is Cumbrian after all! He is an honest and authentic young man who balances hard work and kindness.

We wish him the best of luck as he leaves Windermere School, moving into his next stage and taking up his seat as mayor of a community in which he is well known for his smiles and helpfulness.

Junior School

Senior School

Sixth Form

Windermere School is an Independent Boarding and Day School for ages 3-18, across Junior School, Senior School and Sixth Form. The school offers holiday courses and a summer school programme, as well as short term immersion courses for international pupils, as well as an award winning IB programme. Join the adventure today >