Dear Parents and Guardians,
The end of the academic year is a time to celebrate, and as a school we have a huge amount that is worth celebrating. During our Prize Days, be they for the Junior or Senior School, we will have the chance to reflect on the triumphs of our pupils, show appreciation for their amazing talents, and give thanks to our whole school community, including you, our parents. We do not underestimate the time you spend supporting our community and your child’s education, your passion for your child’s learning, and the myriad ways you support them in becoming successful global citizens as they grow towards adulthood is extraordinary. As a school we are so grateful to work in partnership with you.
We have had an action packed few weeks, with even more excitement to come in the last week of term, including our Senior School Sports Day on Tuesday 25 June, at which I hope to see many of you.
The Junior School have already enjoyed their Sports Day this week, along with a fantastic EYFS Camp Out, where our youngest children got to experience what future Residential Camps might feel like as they move through the school. Year 2 attended an Adventure Taster, ahead of them starting the full Adventure programme in Year 3 and Year 6 triumphantly returned from the unforgettable adventure that was Year 6 Challenge Week, a true highlight in the journey of a Windermere School pupil.
The Senior School has been equally busy, with a trip to London for Year 12, a Sixth Form Experience Day for Year 10 and the yearly Summer Concert which was a symphony of talent!
This newsletter would not be complete without mentioning the recent accomplishments of the Windermere School Sailing Team, who are going from strength to strength under the careful guidance of Chris Brooks, Director of Performance Sailing. I encourage you to read the news articles on their recent successes at the RS Feva Nationals and the Northern Prep School Regatta, as they are quite remarkable.
I could not be prouder of our sailors but also their cheerleaders, and helpers who go above and beyond to support them, be it parents driving across the county and camping at events, or siblings and friends showing true Windermere spirit and lending a helping hand wherever necessary. I wish the team the very best of luck as they head to the Royal Yachting Association Regionals at Derwent Reservoir Sailing Club this weekend.
I look forward to seeing and talking with many of you at our Senior School Prize Day tomorrow, and until then, I wish you a pleasant Friday evening.
Best wishes,
Frank Thompson
Head of Windemere School